
What is Avalara?

Avalara is an industry-leading tax solution that integrates seamlessly with host systems to handle all tax calculation needs for eCommerce.

What does this integration include?

Manhattan Active Omni is not integrated with Avalara out of the box. This integration enables communication with Avalara by altering the base functionality in the following ways:

  • Tax management including Quotation, Invoice, and Refund tax calculations
  • Tax Rate Download

Tax Management

When an order is created in Manhattan Active Omni’s Customer Service or Point of Sale applications, a quotation tax call is generated for the order so the appropriate authorized amount of a payment tender can be secured. When an order is shipped in Manhattan Active Omni, an invoice tax call is generated for the order so the appropriate amount of the provided payment tender can be settled against. When an order is returned in Manhattan Active Omni, an invoice tax call is generated for the order so the appropriate amount of the provided payment tender can be refunded against.

The tax calls are translated to the Avalara required format with the expected data for Avalara to provide the appropriate tax calculation. The Avalara response is translated back to the Manhattan Active Omni format where the jurisdiction-level tax details are saved against the order and order line(s).

Tax Rate Download

Avalara Tax Rate Download is used to support tax calculation in POS Offline mode. A scheduler is created in Manhattan Active Omni to trigger the Avalara Tax Rate Download API on a configurable schedule. MAO sends the list of store locations to Avalara and Avalara returns the applicable tax rates for all valid Store/Product Class combinations.