
What is FedEx?

FedEx Corp. provides customers and businesses worldwide with a broad portfolio of transportation, e-commerce and business services. FedEx Express and FedEx Express are the business segments that provide parcel shipping services.

What does this integration include?

This integration extends the base-supported Store Fulfillment integration with FedEx by adding the following:

  • Pickup Service

Pickup Service

Retailers may schedule reoccurring Pickups if their Store Locations are eligible for the service. Other businesses may require On-Call Pickup Requests if they are not eligible for scheduled Pickup.

The Pickup Service WSDL allows you to schedule a courier to pick up a shipment, cancel a pickup request, or check for pickup availability. As part of this feature, the Pickup Service is used to check for pickup availability and schedule courier pickup of a shipment at the location specified in the transaction.

When a Store has at least one Package manifested with FedEx Express Service Level, a PickupAvailabilityRequest is made to determine whether Pickup Service is available that day at the given Store Location. Based on the PickupAvailabilityReply, a CreatePickupRequest call is made.