

Signifyd is a software as a service fraud and chargeback prevention technology. Signifyd’s technology helps detect and prevent fraud.

What does this integration include?

Manhattan Active Omni is not integrated with Signifyd out of the box. This integration enables communication with Signifyd by altering the base functionality in the following ways:

  • Ability to perform Fraud Check for orders created via Active Omni Call Center Application and order modifications done during the remorse period
  • Fraud Retry
  • Manual Fraud Review
  • Manual Fraud Update

Fraud Check

For the defined order types MAO makes a call to Signifyd for fraud check before the order is released. Signifyd responds with a fraud decision – accept, failure, or review. For accept, the fraud hold is removed and the order is eligible for release. For failure, MAO cancels the order, and for review, the order is updated with a fraud review hold that requires a manual fraud review.

Fraud Retry

If no response is received from the fraud call to Signifyd, MAO has a retry scheduler to retry the fraud call on a configurable schedule.

Manual Review

If a manual fraud review is required, Signifyd sends an asynchronous message when the fraud analysts makes a final decision. MAO processes the message and updates the order with the fraud details according to the fraud response – accept or failure. The asynchronous message must be translated to the format defined as part of this integration.

Manual Update

In an exception scenario where Signifyd is unavailable for an extended period, a fraud analyst may remove a fraud hold in MAO directly given that the user has the newly added permission. Without this permission, the user is prevented from editing orders on a fraud hold or removing the fraud specific holds from the order.