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Customer Master

Manhattan Active Omni solutions maintain a customer entity used for storing customer information needed to track purchases and interactions with the brand. The customer entity stores:

  • Basic contact information, saved addresses, and payment information to streamline customer service-assisted orders or point of sale endless aisle orders
  • Customer preferences such as opt-in information and preferred store location
  • Alternate IDs to cross reference customers who may have more than one account that has been merged

Manhattan Active Omni has pre-built apps with many 3rd party Customer Relationship Management providers which can be leveraged to retrieve and update customer information needed within MAO out of the box. Please see each 3rd party vendor to view what functionalities are available.

Third Party Integrations

1 - Salesforce Commerce Cloud

What is Salesforce Commerce Cloud?

Salesforce Commerce Cloud is an ecommerce web platform.

What does this integration include?

Manhattan Active Omni is not integrated with Salesforce out of the box. This integration enables communication with Salesforce by altering the base functionality in the following ways:

  • Search Customer
  • Create Customer

These services are invoked when a new customer is created via the MAO Point of Sale or Customer Service modules.

Search Customer

This service to SFCC is invoked in POS or Customer Service modules when the user is searching for an existing customer and returns a list of customers for the user to choose from and eventually apply the customer to the order.

Create Customer

This service to SFCC is invoked when in POS or Customer Service modules when a new customer is created and returns a customer ID, which is saved on the customer record.