
What is Fiserv CardConnect?

CardConnect is a payments platform of Fiserv, focused on helping businesses of all sizes grow through the seamless integration of secure payment processing.

What does this integration include?

This integration enables communication for Manhattan Active Omni (MAO) Point of Sale (POS) card payment flows with Fiserv’s CardConnect platform (API version V3). Card payment types supported through this integration include Credit Cards and Debit Cards.

Integration between MAO POS and Fiserv’s CardConnect Platform is implemented using REST Web-Service APIs. Card-present payment transactions are integrated from the POS register application in the store to CardConnect’s BOLT REST APIs while Card-not-present payment transactions are integrated from the MAO Cloud Server to CardConnect’s CardPointe REST APIs.

MAO sends requests to Fiserv CardConnect in the format required by Fiserv and processes responses from Fiserv back into MAO.

This document details MAO integration with Fiserv CardConnect Gateway via the following transactions:

  • Bolt
    • Connect and Disconnect
    • Display cart on terminal screen
    • Confirm Address on terminal
    • Card Payment Capture
    • Refund By Card Entry
    • Offline Payment Processing
  • Card Payment Capture
  • Card Payment Refund
  • CardPointe
    • Follow on Refund (referenced refund to original card by transaction token)
    • Standalone Refund (unreferenced refund to original card by card token
    • Void Capture
    • Void Refund

Connect and Disconnect with Payment Terminal

The Bolt API Connect initiates a session between POS register and the Payment Terminal (terminal). The session key returned by the Connect API is required to be included in all subsequent API requests to the Bolt webservice. MA POS initiates the session when a transaction is created in POS and closes the session once the transaction is completed, voided or suspended. The Bolt API Disconnect is executed to close the session between the register and terminal.

Display Cart on Payment Terminal

The Bolt API Display is executed by POS to display the latest updates to the shopping cart on the payment terminal. Each time the cart is modified, such as by adding an item or overriding a price, the POS register calls the display API to update the payment terminal screen with the details of the current state of the cart.

This applies only to Fixed POS Registers where the customer typically cannot see the cart on the POS register UI. In case of Mobile POS Registers, cart is not displayed on the terminal since the user can easily share the POS UI with the customer.

Capture and Settlement

POS executes the authCard Bolt API with the Capture flag set to true to capture payment for a cash and carry transaction. This causes CardConnect to prompt for card entry (among other things) and Authorize and Capture the payment as part of a single API call.

Capture is the process of queuing a payment transaction for Settlement. Settlements are run overnight by Fiserv CardConnect at a pre-configured time agreed to with merchant. Settlement triggers the issuing bank to transfer funds to the merchant’s bank (Acquirer).


A Void operation reverses a payment transaction such as a capture or refund before settlement has occurred. MAO POS executes void in a few different scenarios:

  • When an order is post-voided
  • When a partial card payment applied to an order is voided mid-transaction. This may be because customer changed their mind and wants to pay for the transaction with a different tender or card.
  • During payment reconciliation after store close to void abandoned payments (payments with error conditions)


Refunds are executed in MAO POS to process returns or negative exchanges. Depending on the type of return different types of refunds are executed:

  • Refund to original card may be executed in two ways without card being present
    • If the settlement is not expired for the original payment then a refund is executed against the original payment transaction (CardPointe API Refund) – this is called a follow-on refund or a referenced refund
    • If the settlement has expired for the original payment then a refund is executed using the card token from the original payment transaction (CardPointe API Authorization) – this is called a standalone refund or an unreferenced refund
  • When card is present, refund is executed by card entry (insert, tap or swipe) through the Bolt API authCard with negative amount

Store and Forward (SAF)

SAF is a mechanism by which a payment can be captured with card present on the payment terminal even while the payment terminal is unable to connect to the gateway (Bolt Service). In such a scenario the payment capture is stored locally on the payment terminal until such time the payment terminal’s connection to the Bolt Service is restored. Then the payment terminal uploads all the captured payments (and refunds) to the gateway.

Display Address Confirmation on Payment Terminal

When capturing or editing a customer address on POS fixed register, this feature allows MAO to display the address on the payment terminal for confirmation by customer before it is saved. It allows the customer to specify if the displayed address is correct or not.