
What is Chase Paymentech?

Chase is the a leading provider of merchant services with over $1 trillion in annual processing volume. Chase Paymentech is a credit card processing solution aimed at larger enterprise businesses.

What does this integration include?

For Credit Card payment processing integration, Manhattan Active Omni, MAO for short, integrates with Chase Paymentech’s Orbital Gateway to process payment transactions using SOAP Web-Service APIs on version 2.9. MAO generates the transactions in the format required by Chase Paymentech. Additionally, MAO adds logic for Hosted Checkout in the call center application, which is used to capture credit card information via Chase PaymenTech’s Orbital Gateway. Then, Chase returns the payment token, which can then be used for further transactions.

This document details MAO integration with Chase Paymentech Gateway via the following transactions:

  • Authorization
  • Authorization Reversal
  • Settlement (Mark for Capture)
  • Settlement Retry (Auth + Capture)
  • Refund
  • Hosted Checkout


An authorization, or approval from the card issuer through the payment gateway, is required to ensure the customer has sufficient funds to cover the cost of the transaction. Manhattan Active Omni (MAO) creates authorizations in various scenarios like when an authorization expires and requires a new authorization. This feature adds the ability for MAO to send the Chase Paymentech required format when an authorization is required.

Authorization Reversal

An authorization reversal occurs when a merchant reverses the authorization step of the transaction, before settlement has begun. Manhattan Active Omni (MAO) creates internal authorization reversals when the order total decreases. This feature adds the ability for MAO to externalize the authorization reversal transactions when the full remaining amount on the auth is being reversed. MAO sends the Chase Paymentech required format when an auth reversal is required.


A settlement transaction is created when product on the order is fulfilled, so issuing bank sends funds to the seller’s payment processor, which disperses said funds to the merchant. This feature adds the ability for MAO to send the Chase Paymentech required format when a settlement is required.

Settlement Retry

In specific scenarios when the settlement call fails, it may be required to re-authorize the payment transaction in order to settlement. This feature adds the ability for MAO to send the Chase Paymentech required format for scenarios where a failed settlement needs re-processing systematically.

Refund / Standalone Refund

A refund is required when compensation is owed to a customer; triggered by a return, uneven exchange, appeasement, adjustment invoice etc. This feature adds the ability for MAO to send the Chase Paymentech required format when a refund is required.

Hosted Checkout

Hosted checkout, or a 3rd party owned screen (i frame) used to capture payment information during the order creation process in the Call Center application, is added as part of this feature. Chase Paymentech sends a token back to MAO, which is stored on the order and used for subsequent payment transactions.