Alliance (ADS)

What is ADS?

ADS, or ‘Alliance Data Systems’ is a provider of integrated credit and marketing services including Private Label, co-branded and commercial credit card programs.

What does this integration include?

Manhattan Active Omni is not integrated with Alliance out of the box. This integration enables communication with Alliance Private Label payment processing by altering the base functionality in the following ways:

  • Authorization (XML)
  • Authorization Reversal (XML)
  • Refund Authorization (XML)
  • Account Lookup (XML)
  • End of Day Settlement File (FLAT)
  • Re-send Mechanism for End of Day Settlement File (via MAO UI)


An authorization is required to reserve funds to cover the cost of the transaction. This typically occurs during order capture. For Private Label Credit Cards, a call center agent uses the call center screens in MAO to capture the card details. This feature adds the ability for MAO to send the authorization request in the ADS required format via SOAP HTTP web service APIs and update the order based on the response from ADS.

Authorization Reversal

An authorization reversal occurs when a merchant reverses the authorization step of the transaction, before settlement has begun. Manhattan Active Omni (MAO) creates internal authorization reversals when the order total decreases. This feature adds the ability for MAO to externalize the authorization reversal transactions when the full amount on the auth is being reversed in case of an order cancelation. MAO sends the ADS required format via SOAP HTTP web service APIs when an auth reversal is required.


A refund is generated when compensation is owed to a customer. This is typically triggered by a return, uneven exchange, or appeasement. This feature adds the ability for MAO to send the refund request in the ADS required format via SOAP HTTP web service APIs and update the order based on the response from ADS.

Account Lookup

Account Lookup provides the CSR an option to lookup a customer’s Private Label Account Number in case the customer cannot is unable to locate their account number. This feature adds the ability for MAO to send an account lookup request based on the customer’s information in the ADS required format via SOAP HTTP web service APIs and update the Account number based on the response from ADS.

End of Day Settlement Batch

A settlement occurs when the authorized funds are actually taken out of the customer’s account. This is typically triggered by a shipment or transfer of goods to the customer. This feature adds the ability for MAO to send a batch end of day settlement file to ADS.

Resend Mechanism for End of Day Settlement

With the end of day settlement performed in batch, this App also includes a UI feature to manually resend End of Day Settlement files from Manhattan Active Omni (MAO) in the event the initial files are lost in transit or incomplete.